The 2019 World Series Champions - the Washington Nationals!

After a tense game seven, The Nats clinched the championship by beating the Houston Astros 6-2 on Wednesday to secure the franchise’s first title and Washington’s first World Series championshipsince 1924.

Thousands of fans are expected to descend on the Mall this Saturday to celebrate Washington’s first World Series trophy in 95 years with a parade honoring the Nationals. Victory Van is proud to be included in the parade and we’ll have one of our flatbed trucks decked out to show D.C. our #Nattitude!
(hint - look for the cannons and red confetti flying through the air!)
The 2019 Nationals Championship Parade will begin at 2 p.m., starting at 15th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, near the Washington Monument. It will continue east along Constitution and end at Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street NW, where there will be a rally.

As the official mover of the Washington Nationals we couldn’t be more excited to honor the Nats tomorrow and celebrate with fans alike. Actually, our plan is to celebrate tomorrow and right on into 2020. We are celebrating our 75th anniversary next year. Amazing! Keep your eyes posted for some exciting details and festivity announcements.
What are you doing to show your #Nattitude ? Click here to go to our Facebook page and let us know.
This is Dave Kennedy, President of Victory Van Corporation, holding the World Series Trophy!!!!